Saturday, November 20, 2010

Emo Hairstyles

Emo Hairstyles - Emo Haircuts

Emo hair, Emo hairstyles and emo haircuts are characterized by often black hair with random splurges of bright coloured highlights. The emo haircuts may also have asymmetrical lines and different colour background hair but the large majority of people with emo hairstyles prefer to dye it black.

Emo Girls and Boys

Emo boys and emo girls try to be unique and comfortable in society with one’s self by expressing their individuality and self-expression through the emo hairstyles adopted. If you feel that all the conventional hairstyles you can get in saloons are boring and you don’t fit them at all, why follow the flock? I’d suggest you consider picking up some dye, a pair of scissors and razor and do up your hair the Emo hairstyle way! Most importantly is to have fun, play around, and be creative when performing your emo haircuts and then people will admire your Emo hairstyle.

Before you embark on this journey or if you’ve already taken on the Emo hairstyles and emo haircuts style, you would know that people devote a lot of time into these high-maintenance haircuts. It often takes hours to get that sexy “just got up” look. Good luck and as I said, be creative and have fun!

Emo Picture of the Week

Emo Fashion

Emo Fashion and Emo Stil
Emo fashion is much different than any other type of style. Emo kids tend to come off as being outsiders. This carries through on their sense of style.

The basic fashion...

Emo guys usually have shaggy hair, that covers a majority of their forehead and eyes. Much like the girls, they like to dye their hair dark colors. Especially black. When it comes to their clothing, emo boys usually sport under sized clothing. A lot of them will wear girls pants. When it comes to their shirts, they like the vintage look. Much like the girls again, emo boys like to have facial piercings. Emo girls hair is shorter than what must girls have. They like to dye their hair black and cut their bangs uniquely. Jewelry is a big part of their fashion. Body piercings, and facial piercings are very common among girls. Girls and boys tend to purchase all their clothing at thrift store. However, many emo kids will make their own clothing or mod their own clothes to fit they look they are going after. Girls and boys that are emo share the same taste when it comes to fashion. Glassed which are horn rimmed are quite popular, along with bags cluttered with patches

Emo Songs & Bands

Emo Music
Emo music is sub music ground of hard-care punk. Some people, however, think emo music does not exist. They fill that people just give it that name, when it's truly punk.

More about Emo Music

Emo music is something that is rather ambiguously defined. It can be something that has heavy punk chords and influence such as what we've heard from the Sex Pistols, but it can also be something with soft melodic characteristics like what we've heard from the Cure. This is why emo is such a hard concept to define. It is an expression of emotion in some way.

Emotions can vary from angry to sad to happy, and emo music is an expression of those experiences as well as their range. When it comes to the emo music scene, there are many bands that may claim to be the founders of the cultural movement. However, you would have to look across the pond to gloomy England to find the real Kings of emo music. The Cure have been going strong now for over 20 years, writing songs that could make any 16 year old boy break into tears, even the football players. Their catchy guitar riffs and honest, emotional vocals have been mimicked by almost every emo artist to date. Another band from across the pond that has definitely influenced the emo music scene is Depeche Mode. They might be a primarily electronic band, but their moody lyrics and loner style has crept into every facet of the emo scene.

In recent years emo music has even moved away from the punk sound and many bands are starting to adopt more electronic elements to their sound. Death Cab for Cutie is a perfect example, whose lead singer Ben Gibbard also fronts the entirely electronic project the Postal Service. Emo Music is becoming very popular among teens.

Emo music got its roots from punk rock and the infusion of indie rock. The genre developed in the early 1980’s arguably from such influences as the Cure and Sunny Day Real Estate. In the 1990’s one example of Emo bands would be Fugazi or Texas Is the Reason. Texas Is the Reason is a more indie version of Emo while Fugazi is certainly punk. While a band like Modest Mouse might easily be mistaken for an Emo band because they are punk influenced, highly emotional, and extremely fashionable, they are not Emo. The reason is that their lyrics are more metaphors than straight forwardly emotional lyrics.

Lyrics that talk about crying in despair after a death in the family are Emo. The second lyrics do not leave the listener to wonder what is being expressed. The desert could be a reference to drying out from alcohol abuse or it could be a metaphor for death or bareness. Because there are different styles of Emo music such as emocore and screamo, what is Emo music is an ambiguous definition.

Loosely defined, Emo music is music that is highly emotional and very straightforward in the expression of that emotion. However, Emo music could be as potent and raging as something like what we hear from Suicidal Tendencies. The screaming anger and aggression that comes from Suicidal Tendencies is emotional just like Cat Power, but the delivery is much different. The important overarching theme here is in potent Emotions. Some of the contributions to the Emo scene in the last ten years have come from such artists as: Further Seems Forever, the Promise Ring, Benton Falls, or Army of Ponch.

Emo Poems & Quotes

A bit about emo poems and quotes
Emo poems and quotes are very emotional and sad. Emo kids typicall write these poems to express their inner hurt.

Emo poetry is something that can be defined as emotionally provocative poetry. Emo poetry often talks about something that is difficult to discuss with most people. Some of these themes include suicidal thoughts, painful experiences, anger inspiring events, or any other kind of emotion. This doesn’t mean that all Emo poetry is suicidal, and it doesn’t mean that all Emo kids are suicidal. It is just another emotion that can be expressed through poetry.

The important thing about Emo poetry is that is serving a purpose for the writer. The art that is produced from Emo poetry is only a byproduct of the process of creating it: through this process, the writer is able to exorcise the feelings that torment him or her and produce the poem. The purpose is only to provide the writer with catharsis and relief. If the poem is good, then that is just an added benefit for readers, but the purpose of the poem is served in the process of creating it. Some quotes from Emo poetry are listed below.

This poem is untitled and the writer’s name is listed as Alone.

two shots of hate from a mouth as loud as a gun,
like an assasin ... who does it for fun.

two deafening blows in a war that has just begun,
life gone away...i'm done.

two red roses sitting on my coffin, the wind blows, leaving only one
the world i know the setting sun.

Emo Couples Kissing

Pictures of Emo Couples Kissing
Emo Couples kissing.yummy. Considered to be the hottest thing in the emo scene. Usually there is no attraction behind the act of emo Couples kissing. They just do it because they can, and they know girls think it's hot! Boy, are they right, there is just something about it that makes chicks just want to see more. However, sometimes there is a attraction behind the kiss. Browse through the pictures below.

Here are some of our pictures make sure to check out the huge gallery we have of emo boys kissing.. You will love it!

Emo Girls

Pictures of Emo Girls

Emo girls, ahh so hot! Our emo gallery has tons of hot emo girls. Emo girls are found to be hot by many guys whether the boy is emo or not. We hope to have this gallery huge be in a couple weeks.

Looking For Pics

Below you can find a couple picturess of emo girls. These chicks are pretty hot. Take a look at them, and come back because we are always adding more info on emo girls, and the gallery is always growing with fresh pictures daily.

Emo Guys

Emo Guys and Emo Boys

Hot emo guys usually have pierced lips, racing hearts and a sense of openness, maybe with just a touch of eye liner. This is all it takes for these boys to be in contact. Hot emo boys have the internet running wild for more. Becoming more popular to look at as time goes on.

Emo Boys

Below you can find pictures of emo guys. We have more than one page so be sure to look at both of them and to check back constantly because we will continue to add more and more pictures and information.

Did You Know?

Emo guys are usually youthful guys who dress in tight girls jeans and sweaters and small t-shirts. Emo guys are love their music, and they just don't sit and in the corner and cry all day. Emo boys are sweet and compassionate and every girl wants one. Emo males' usually high school age or college age with a lot of emotions. They tend to grow out of this scene once they hit a certain age. Emo guys seem to be more in contact with their emotions compared to a non-emo guy.